Midwestspl Contestant Checklist

All Midwestspl contestants must read and agree to the following documents in order to participate in the competition.

Required Documents:

Each competitor will be required to bring copies of the following documents to the show. You must provide these documents to the registration desk upon sign-in. Competitors who do not provide ALL of the following documents will not be permitted to compete.

Zero Tolerance Checklist

The Convention Center has a Zero-Tolerance policy with regards to the following rules. Any competitor found to be in violation of any of these rules will have their vehicle removed from the facility.

Policy Regarding Facilities / Hotel Damage

Midwestspl Show Policies

The following Midwestspl Show Policies will be strictly enforced at the Midwestspl Finals. Competitors who violate any of the following policies will not be allowed to compete and/or be asked to leave.

Officiating Policies

Team Members




Xtreme, Kaos  false starts

Xtreme & Kaos Music

Judges "re-run" requirement